Friday 12 January 2007

Software Estimation-Simple or Complex?

It is the simplicity that adds value to estimation rather than complexity.

One of the common focus of the software development teams even in most advanced and largest companies is to develop "accurate estimates" of the software in order to get accurate cost/schedule "estimates".

I find the word "accurate estimates" very contradictory and ironical. If it is accurate - it can not be called "estimates".

The word "estimate" is defined as "to form an approximate judgment or opinion regarding the worth, amount, size, weight, etc., of; calculate approximately:" on The very fact that it is an approximate tells us that the notion of "accurate estimate" is absurd.

I find it radiculous when I hear these words "We should have made accurate estimates of the effort and than it would have been easy to control the project and deliver the results". How many times have you heard these words after a software project has failed or delayed?

I call this ignorance. Only if they knew the foundations, how easy life would be for them?

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